Water Quality - Before and After

The Purity of Their Drinking Water

Today was the dedication ceremony for the water project that was conceived three years ago.  During the dedication ceremony, one of the speakers shared examples of their drinking water prior to the project and what the water quality looks like now.  I should've shaken the bottle before I took this picture because as you can see the sediment has settled in the bottle on the right.  Still, the water is very dirty and this was their only option before the water project.  As you can see, the water is now crystal clear and pure.  This will have HUGE impact on their health in Jardin de Primavera.

In America, too many people take so many things for granted.  Going to a faucet and having clean, usable water is NOT the norm in this world.  The vast majority of the people in the world (roughly 80%) do not have clean water at their convenience.  These villagers are so very thankful to God for providing them with this pure water!


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